Update: Joint Transition Team reviews submissions and progresses work

  • The Joint Transition Team (JTT) would like to acknowledge the time and effort put in by the many stakeholders from across Australia who lodged submissions, which were reviewed and discussed at today’s meeting.
  • These submissions were consistent with many of the themes and messages from the Australian Dairy Plan national workshop and consultations. 
  • Several member-based organisation case studies were reviewed to assist in our deliberations.
  • The major portion of our meeting was dedicated to the construction of possible models and recommendations for submission in the JTT's report to the Australian Dairy Plan Committee, in line with the JTT’s terms of reference.
  • Recognising that advocacy was one of the major issues raised by industry stakeholders in Australian Dairy Plan consultations, the JTT had a productive discussion around the definition of terms such as advocacy, policy, culture and representation.
  • The JTT is on-track to deliver a progress report to the Australian Dairy Plan Committee at the end of October.

Shirley Harlock
JTT Chair