Update: Joint Transition Team refines structural options and preferred model

  • The Joint Transition Team (JTT) met on 18 & 19 November. We refined the three structural options and the attributes of the preferred model.
  • Following our meeting, the team presented and discussed the models with the Australian Dairy Plan Committee for a half day. The conversation explored and challenged the thinking and approaches taken in the construction of the models.
  • On the second day of the meeting, the team reflected on the feedback and ideas contributed by the Australian Dairy Plan Committee and how we can incorporate their input into the final report.
  • The principles relating to a possible governance framework and a risk profile were considered, along with the value proposition to stakeholders.
  • The JTT anticipates a final meeting in early December to conclude the development of the recommended model and meet the commitments of their terms of reference.

Shirley Harlock
JTT Chair